Is It Weird to Smell Your Girlfriend’s or Boyfriend’s Clothes?

In a group chat with over 25 girls and 19 boys, our topic of discussion was whether it was weird to smell your girlfriend’s clothes. It was a unanimous no, as all of us agreed that it was a sign of affection.

Most people said that when they smelt their partner’s clothes, it reminded them of their presence and made them feel closer to each other, especially if they are missing them.

There were a lot of good things that were mentioned about smelling your partner’s clothes, and in the rest of this article, I will share with you why it’s not weird.

Smelling Your Girlfriend or Boyfriend’s Clothes

Smell is a powerful thing. It’s an important part of how we perceive the world, and it can evoke memories, emotions, and even a feeling of home.

Think about that shirt your boyfriend wore when you first kissed or that pair of jeans your girlfriend wore on your first date.

Smelling those items can be a reminder of those special moments in life that you want to remember and cherish.

In addition, there are also studies that suggest that when we smell our partners’ clothes, it can increase oxytocin levels in the brain, which is associated with feelings of closeness and connection.

It’s not always about being romantic either; sometimes, it can just be a comfort thing.

Smelling your partner’s clothes can be a way to feel close to them when they are away, and it can also be something that can calm you down when you’re feeling stressed.

What’s There To Smell?

The thing about smell is that it’s personal. That means that what you like to smell and what someone else likes can be completely different.

That being said, some of the most popular things people like to smell are their partners;

1. Perfume or Cologne

This is one of the most common things that people like to smell when it comes to their girlfriends or boyfriends.

It can be a great reminder of them and can help to bring back memories of your special times together.

2. Natural Scent

Some people also enjoy the natural scent of their partner on their clothes. This could be anything from sweat, skin cells, or just general body odor.

We’re all different, and some people might find this smell to be quite pleasant.

3. Laundry Smell

Another thing to smell on your special person’s clothes is the smell of their laundry detergent. This, combined with their natural scents, can make a nice smelling combination that can evoke a feeling of familiarity.

Benefits And Reasons It’s Not Weird To Smell Their Clothes

Now onto the meat of the topic; why is it not weird to smell your partner’s clothes?

1. It’s a Sign of Affection

Smelling your partners’ clothes can be seen as a sign of love and admiration. It’s like saying that you care so much about them that you want to remember and cherish every moment with them, even when they’re not around.

2. It Can Help You Feel Closer To Them

As mentioned before, it can be a way to help you feel closer to someone when they’re not around. It can remind you of all the moments that you shared and bring back happy memories.

3. It Can Be Comforting

Smelling your partner’s clothes can be a way to feel close and connected, even when you’re apart or feeling lonely.

Smelling their clothes can also be calming, as the scent of their clothes can remind you of happier times with them that evoke positive emotions.

4. A Way To Show They Are Missed

Not only is this a sign of affection, but it can also be a way for you to show that you miss them and think about them when they’re not around.

5. It Can Help In Intimacy

Some people also find that smelling their partner’s clothes can be a great way to help in intimacy.

The scent of them on their clothes can make you feel closer and more connected, which can lead to an improved relationship both emotionally and physically.

6. It Can Bring Back Memories

Smelling their clothes can also help to bring back memories of times spent together, special moments that you want to remember and cherish.

7. It Can Be Romantic

Smelling your partner’s clothes can also be a romantic gesture and a way to show how much you care about them.

8. It Can Make You Feel Safe

The smell of your partner’s clothes can also be a way to make you feel safe and secure. The scent of them on their clothes can be a reminder that they are there for you, even when they’re not physically present.

9. It’s Something You Can Both Enjoy

Finally, smelling your partner’s clothes can be something that you both enjoy. It’s a great way for you to show affection and for them to feel appreciated.

What Makes Smelling Your Girlfriend’s or Boyfriend’s Clothes Weird?

Although it’s not weird to smell your partner’s clothes, there are some things that can make it strange.

1. If You Don’t Want Them To Know About It

If you don’t want your partner to know that you smell their clothes, then it can be seen as a bit strange.

It could be a sign of possessiveness or even obsession, and this is something that should not be encouraged.

2. If You Are Doing It To Make Fun Of Them

If you are smelling your partner’s clothes in a way that is making fun of them or mocking them, then it can be seen as weird.

It’s important to respect your partner and not use their scent as a way to mock or tease them.

3. If You’re So Early In The Relationship

If you’re still in the early stages of your relationship, then it might be a bit too much to start smelling your girlfriend’s or boyfriend’s clothes.

It can come off as a bit intense and might not be something that they are comfortable with.

4. You Always Do, Even If She’s Around

If you find that you’re always smelling your partner’s clothes, even when they are around, then this could be seen as a bit weird.

It might make them uncomfortable and can come off as too intrusive.

5. You Do It Too Frequently

Finally, if you find yourself sniffing your partner’s clothes on a daily basis, then it can be seen as a bit weird.

It might make them feel like you’re a bit obsessed or that you are suffocating them with your attention.

6. You Steal Their Underwear

It is definitely not okay to try and steal your partner’s underwear or any other articles of clothing just to smell them behind their backs.

It’s very natural to chance on your partners’ clothes and give them a sniff and a tight hug while at it. But to steal their clothing, especially their underwear, is definitely overkill.

Final Thoughts

Smelling your partner’s clothes is not weird, but it can be if done in the wrong way. There are a lot of benefits to smelling your partner’s clothes, including helping in intimacy and bringing back memories.

However, it can also be seen as weird if done too often or if you don’t want them to know about it. It’s important to respect your partner and not make fun of them when doing this.

As long as you are open and respectful about it and use it as a way to show your affection, then it can be a great way to bond with one another, even when they are not around.

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