Is It Weird To Poop At School? 11 Reasons It Is & Is Not

Well, well, well, we’ve got a real conundrum here. A good old poop question! The school restrooms can be mildly off-putting and sometimes downright unsanitary, but sometimes you just need to go. So is it weird to poop at school?

If you’re not a germophobe or do not have mysophobia (fear of germs and/or dirt) or toilet phobia (fear of using a public toilet, fear that others may be watching or scrutinizing/listening), then do go when you have to go. If you can hold it until you’re in your comfort zone, then that’s even better.

But if you really don’t have a choice, it is not weird to use the restroom at school. After all, everyone needs to do their business from time to time, and there is nothing wrong with taking care of yourself when necessary.

Reasons It’s “NOT” Weird To Poop At School

1. You’ve Got To Go When You Have To Go

When you need to go, it is exactly when you should go. Trying to hold it for too long can lead to health problems. You also risk making a mess of your pants if you wait too long. So if it’s an emergency, go for it!

2. Everyone Does It

Let’s face it, everyone poops. And while for some people it can be embarrassing to use a public restroom, the fact is that you are not the only person who uses them. That doesn’t make it any less weird, but it certainly helps to remind yourself that you’re not alone in this.

3. It’s Natural

Pooping is a natural process, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Even if you’re uncomfortable using the restroom at school, don’t forget that this is a normal bodily function, and there’s no shame in it.

4. It May Be Surprisingly Clean

Sometimes, the restroom at school may be surprisingly clean. After all, there are usually janitors who work hard to ensure that the bathrooms stay as clean as possible. So if you’re worried about the cleanliness of the bathroom, it’s not a bad idea to take a peek before you go in.

Why Do People Think It’s Weird?

While there’s nothing wrong with pooping in school restrooms, some people might still think it’s weird for a few reasons.

Here are a few concerns some of my colleagues used to have about having to do number2 in school;

1. Discomfort With Body Functions

Many people feel uncomfortable talking about bodily functions in general, and that can lead to feeling embarrassed when the subject of using a public restroom comes up.

2. Fear Of Germs

Germs and bacteria can easily spread in unsanitary restroom conditions, and that can make people reluctant to use them. They end up projecting this fear and thinking you are weird not to share the same worry.

3. Social Pressure

Sometimes, people may feel pressured to conform to certain social norms and expectations, which can make them wary of using school restrooms in public.

4. Fear Of Being Watched

Using a public restroom can be intimidating if you’re worried about others watching or judging you. That’s why it’s important to remember that everyone poops! No matter how uncomfortable it may be, it’s important to take care of your needs when you need to.

5. Lack of Privacy

School restrooms can be loud, smelly, and busy. And a lot of people don’t feel comfortable with that lack of privacy when they’re doing their business. They often say it can be difficult to feel free when your privacy is constantly being invaded.

6. Unsanitary Conditions

Not all school bathrooms are clean and well-maintained, so some people may find it hard to go in such an environment. Although the sanitary staff does their best, the seeming amount of bathroom visits in schools can be too much for their resources to handle.

7. Embarrassment

Some people might feel embarrassed because they don’t want to be seen going into the restroom, or they don’t want anyone to hear or smell them pooping. They think it’s embarrassing to have to use a school restroom in front of other students and staff.

Tips For Using the School Restroom

1. Bring Hand Sanitizer

It’s always a good idea to have some hand sanitizer on hand when you’re using any public restroom. Not only will it help keep your hands clean, but it can also help ward off any germs or bacteria that may be lingering in the air.

2. Bring Toilet Paper

Just in case the restroom doesn’t have any, it’s a good idea to bring some with you just in case. You should never have to worry about running out of toilet paper when you’re in a pinch!

3. Take Your Time

It can be tempting to rush in and rush out, but that can sometimes make it more uncomfortable for you. Take your time, relax, and do your business without feeling rushed or anxious. Doing so will help ensure that you have a more pleasant experience.

4. Be Respectful Of Others

Remember that other people will be using the restroom after you. So try to be as respectful and considerate of others as possible. This means disposing of your waste properly, keeping the noise level down, and not leaving a mess behind.

5. Be Picky With The Time You Poop

I used to pick my time when it came to pooping in school. I will only do it early in the morning if I was running late and did not have enough time to go before leaving for school. Or I do it whenever the bathrooms had been freshly cleaned.

6. Go In Pairs

If you are a student who feels awkward pooping in school and doesn’t want to be noticed, it is better to go with someone else into the restroom. Two heads are better than one, and two people going in together can take away the feeling of uncomfortableness.

7. Keep the Door Closed

It’s important to remember to keep the door closed when using the restroom at school. Not only is this a courteous thing to do, but it can also help ensure your privacy while you’re attending to your business.

8. Flush

It goes without saying that you should always flush when you’re done. Not only is this an important hygiene practice, but it’s also courteous to the next person who will be using the restroom after you.

Final Thoughts

Using the restroom at school doesn’t have to be an awkward or embarrassing experience. By following the tips outlined above, you can make sure that your trips to the restroom are more pleasant and comfortable.

Remember, everyone poops – it’s nothing to be ashamed of! So don’t forget to take care of your needs when necessary and stay hygienic while doing so.

Good luck!

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