Is It Weird To Order Pizza Without Cheese? (A Must Know!)

A funny incident happened over the weekend that got me thinking. We had a goodbye party for one of our friends who’s going to do volunteer work in the beautiful city of Dakar, Senegal. We went out to get some pizza for the party.

We requested pizza without cheese, and the waiter gave us a strange look. We laughed it off, but it left me wondering why ordering pizza without cheese was odd.

I decided to do some research on this topic, and here’s all I found out. To summarize, it’s not weird to order pizza without cheese. People who follow vegan diets always order pizza without cheese since most cheese is made from dairy products. There are various other reasons why ordering pizza without cheese is not weird.

Continue reading to find out more;

What Do You Call A Pizza With No Cheese?

No cheese pizza is what you get when you opt for a vegan-friendly option. This type of pizza can be called “vegan pizza” or “plain pizza.”

Pizzas with no cheese are also known as Pizza marinara. It is a classic Neapolitan pizza with tomato sauce, garlic, oregano, and olive oil.

While a lot of the flavor of pizza comes from the cheese, removing it doesn’t mean you’re missing out. The variety of toppings for a no-cheese pizza offers an entirely different flavor profile.

Reasons It’s Not Weird To Order Pizza Without Cheese

1. Health Reasons:

It is very normal to order pizza for health reasons. We’re all not the same in terms of how our bodies react to certain foods. Some may be lactose-intolerant and may avoid cheese on their pizza altogether.

This can also include other allergies to dairy or gluten, in which case the best option would be to go cheese-less.

2. Flavor:

Cheese is not the only ingredient that makes pizza taste delicious. The richness of tomato sauce and the strong flavors of other toppings like onions, peppers, and olives also contribute toward a great-tasting pizza. In fact, some people may even prefer the flavor of pizza without cheese.

3. Cost:

Cheese is a high-cost ingredient that can easily increase the price of a pizza. If you’re on a budget and want to get the most bang for your buck, it might be cheaper to order pizza without cheese.

4. Diet Reasons:

Different people have different dietary preferences, such as veganism which is becoming more common nowadays.

People who follow those diets usually avoid eating animal products in their food, including cheese. It’s totally understandable that they would order pizza without cheese for this reason.

5. Taste Preference:

Not everyone likes the taste of cheese on their pizza; some people may prefer to have a different topping instead or just plain tomato sauce. So it’s not weird at all if someone orders a pizza without cheese – it’s just their preference.

6. Nutritional Reasons:

Some people prefer to order pizza without cheese because it is lower in calories and fat than a regular slice of pizza with cheese.

These individuals are more conscious about what they eat and want to make sure that their diet is as healthy as possible.

7. Recipe:

There are people who are used to pizzas like the Marinara pizza in Italy, which is made without cheese. Some cultures may even prefer pizzas that are traditionally served without cheese.

So it’s really not weird to order a pizza without cheese if this is what you’re used to or the recipe calls for it.

8. Truth or Myth:

It is known in some cultures that the best pizzas come without the cheese. So, it could be argued that ordering pizza without cheese is normal and not weird.

So if someone chooses not to order cheese with their pizza, it can be seen as a sign of their knowledge and appreciation for the best pizza recipes.

Why It Might Be Weird To Order Pizza Without Cheese

1. Unfamiliarity:

Some people may not be familiar with the concept of ordering pizza without cheese and might find it weird or strange.

If a group of friends orders a pizza without cheese, they could get some odd looks from their fellow diners due to their lack of familiarity with this type of pizza.

2. Social Pressure:

In certain social situations, ordering pizza without cheese could be considered weird because it might not fit the “norm” of what everyone else is ordering.

So some people may feel pressure to order a more traditional version of pizza with cheese in order to fit in and avoid feeling embarrassed or judged.

3. Taste:

Finally, some people might think it’s weird to order a pizza without cheese because they believe it won’t taste as good.

While this may be true for some, there are other ingredients that can contribute to the flavor of a pizza and make it just as delicious without cheese.

Final Words

In conclusion, ordering pizza without cheese is not weird at all. It’s actually quite common and understandable in many situations.

Whether it be for health reasons, cost-efficiency, dietary preferences, or taste preferences – there are various factors that contribute to why someone would order pizza without cheese.

Ultimately, it all comes down to individual preference – so feel free to order your pizza however you like.

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