Is It Weird to Only Have One Dimple? (Explained!)

We’re used to seeing two dimples on each side of the face. It is known as “gelasin” which is of greek origin, “meaning to laugh.” From on-screen celebrities to friends, family, and every other person in-between, two dimples are seen as the norm.

Having one dimple is a rare thing but not weird. Dipples are usually hereditary, but spontaneous mutations do happen. Some studies claim that one dimple is connected to good luck and fortune.

Continue reading as I delve deeper into our topic of the day;

How Do You Get Dimples

To be able to understand this phenomenon, we must first understand the anatomy of a dimple.

In actuality, dimples are a form of genetically inherited or spontaneously mutated deformity. The good news is that, unlike other deformities from birth, dimples are not harmful in any way.

People with dimples have a muscle called the “bifid zygomaticus major muscle.” This muscle is not normal. It divides into two parts and attaches to the cheek.

The fibrous connection causes the dimple to become more visible when a person smiles or flexes that muscle.

How Do You Get One Dimple

For those with one dimple, this phenomenon happens only on one side of the face.

In terms of genetics, dimples are inherited as a dominant trait, meaning that if one or both parent has the gene, there is a high chance that the child will inherit it too.

Sometimes, despite having no dimples in the family, a mutation can occur that causes spontaneous dimpling.

The good news is that one-dimple syndrome is not considered a medical issue and does not come with any health risks. It’s just a part of your physical appearance.


In some cases, dimples can be surgically created. A procedure called dimpleplasty is done to create a dimple on the cheeks.

The procedure is done by creating an indentation on the cheek muscle and suturing it together to form a permanent dimple.

So, no, having one dimple isn’t weird. It’s just something you’re born with or occasionally develop due to genetic mutations.

Whether you have one dimple or two, it’s just another way to make you unique. As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Reasons It’s Not Weird To Have One Dimple

People with one dimple often get asked why they only have one. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, though!

Having one dimple is rare and distinctive, setting you apart from the rest. It makes you memorable and stands out in a crowd, adding character to your personality.

Many people even find dimples attractive, so you shouldn’t feel embarrassed if you only have one. It’s rare and special, making you even more unique in the sea of faces!

Another reason it’s not weird to have one dimple is its connection to good luck and fortune. Many cultures believe that having one dimple means a person is blessed with good luck and happiness.

Whether or not this holds true for everyone, it certainly isn’t weird to hope for the best in life!

Why Might Other People Find It Weird

Even though there is nothing wrong with having one dimple, some people might find it weird.

This could be because of its rarity; when we’re used to seeing two dimples on each side of the face, not having them can seem strange or unusual.

This perception could lead some people to ask questions or make comments about why you only have one dimple.

It’s important to remember that this is often out of curiosity and not intended to be offensive.

People may also think it’s weird before they understand the science behind it. When people learn that dimples are hereditary or caused by a mutation, they often become more accepting.

Once they know it’s hereditary, which you have no control over, and not a failed surgical procedure, they tend to accept it more easily.

Final Words

In conclusion, having one dimple is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. It’s a special trait that makes you stand out in the crowd.

So don’t let anyone make you feel weird for having only one dimple; embrace it and show off your uniqueness with confidence.

Whether you have one dimple or two, celebrate it as an individual trait that makes you special.

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