5 Reasons It’s Not Weird To Offer a Girl A Ride (5 Signs It’s Ok)

I’ve been a girl for the past twenty-something years of my life, and trust me when I say it’s not weird to offer a girl a ride. So if there’s a cute girl you like or you’re in the position to help a girl out, go for it.

But listen up, guys, there are a few things you would want to take into consideration if you’re thinking of offering a girl a ride. The rest of this article is dedicated to that, so stick around!

Reasons It’s Not Weird To Offer A Girl a Ride

From a girl’s perspective, here are a few of the reasons why it’s not weird for a guy or girl (if you know what I mean) to offer a girl a ride.

1. It Shows How Considerate You Are

First, it shows that you’re attentive and considerate. If you’ve gone out of your way to make sure she gets where she needs to go safely, then that’s really sweet.

2. It Is A Polite Gesture

No one wants to walk late at night, especially when it’s cold or raining outside. Offering a girl a ride is just being polite and offering someone help that they genuinely need.

3. You’re Offering To Help Someone Out

In a world where not everyone is willing to lend a hand, the gesture of offering someone a ride is extremely kind.

4. It May Lead To Friendship

Offering someone a ride may lead to the start of a beautiful friendship. You never know what kind of conversations you can have in the car.

5. It Helps Build Trust

Finally, offering someone a ride can help build trust. This is especially important if it’s with someone you’re interested in. It gives you the opportunity to get to know one another better.

Signs She Want’s You To Offer Her A Ride

Now that we’ve gone over some of the reasons why it’s not weird to offer a girl a ride let’s move on to some of the signs that she wants you to offer her a ride.

These are some of the things I personally do or find myself doing when I’m in dire need for a ride:

1. They Ask You

If I’m in need of a ride, the first thing I do is ask for help. This can be done directly or indirectly, such as by asking for advice on how to get somewhere or even simply looking around at people and hoping someone offers to take me there. This is one of the easiest ways to tell if she needs a ride.

2. They Make Eye Contact

Making eye contact is one of the strongest forms of communication and, when it comes to asking for help, can often be used as a silent request.

If someone keeps making eye contact with you, then this is usually a sign that they’re trying to get your attention.

This can lead to a conversation, and once you’ve established that they need a ride, then you can offer to help.

3. They’re Constantly Checking Their Phone or Watch

If someone is constantly checking their watch or phone while they’re out and about, it can be an indication that they are in a rush or need to get somewhere in a timely manner.

This could be your cue to offer them a ride, as it would make their life much easier.

4. She Watches You Park Your Car

This is exactly how I met my best friend, Kobby! I found myself watching him park while I wondered in my head if he was heading in my direction once he was back from the grocery store.

It seemed like he had my exact destination in mind, and I was so surprised when he offered me a ride.

5. Shes Got A Bunch of Bags

If someone is heading home from the grocery store and has a bunch of bags with them, it’s likely that they may need some help getting where they’re going.

It would be nice if you offered to lend them a hand and gave them a ride.

Signs She Might Not Want A Ride

If you think a girl might not want a ride, there are some subtle signs she may give off to indicate this.

1. She Avoids Eye Contact or Isn’t Engaging

If she is avoiding eye contact or isn’t engaging in conversation, then this can be a sign that they may not be open to accepting if you offer them a ride.

2. She Walks Away Quickly When You Offer

Another indication that she doesn’t want a ride is if she walks away quickly after you offer her one. This could be because they have an alternate form of transport or simply don’t feel comfortable with accepting your offer.

3. She Doesn’t Seem To Be In A Rush

If someone isn’t in a rush to get somewhere and doesn’t seem to be in a hurry, then this could be a sign that they don’t want or need a ride.

4. She’s With A Group Of Friends

If she is with a group of friends, then it may not be appropriate to offer them a ride as they are likely already being taken care of. This can also make them feel uncomfortable if they don’t know you well.

Dos And Donts

  • Don’t offer her a ride if her parents are picking her up.
  • Don’t insist if she says no.
  • Do accept if she says yes, and be respectful during the ride.
  • Do make sure you have an open and honest conversation throughout.
  • Do make sure she feels safe. Do be mindful of her comfort level, and don’t push the boundaries.

Final Thoughts

Offering a girl a ride can be an act of kindness, but it’s important to remember that everyone has different needs and boundaries.

It’s best to look out for the signs she wants you to offer her a ride, such as if she makes eye contact or is constantly checking her watch or phone.

When offering your assistance, make sure to be respectful and mindful of her comfort level at all times. If she says no, don’t insist or push the boundaries; simply accept her decision and move on.

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