Is It Weird To Not Like Kissing? (9 Key Thoughts!)

There are a lot of ways to express affection towards our loved ones. Hugs, kisses, hand-holding, and even simple acts of kindness can all demonstrate our love. While some people may enjoy physical displays of affection like kissing, others may not feel the same way.

Off the back, I will say that it’s not weird not to like to kiss. Everyone has different preferences and boundaries, and it’s perfectly okay not to like something that others may enjoy. If you don’t feel comfortable with making out, that is completely valid and should be respected by your partner.

While that’s just how you are, it can be hard on your partner if they really enjoy kissing and making out. If that’s the case, continue reading as I share with you a couple of tips that could help the situation.

Why Some People Might Not Like To Kiss And Why It’s Not Weird

If you’re reading this and you or your better half doesn’t like kissing, it’s important to first understand that there could be a variety of reasons why they may not be into it.

Here are a few of the most common reasons why some people may not like to kiss:

1. They May Be Uncomfortable With Physical Contact

One of the common reasons why people might not like to kiss is that they feel uncomfortable with physical contact in general.

Making out requires a great deal of physical contact, which can feel intimidating or overwhelming for some people.

To such people, Bruh! It’s a total invasion! Lips, tongue, teeth, OMG! It can be a bit much. If I’m to come clean, I used to feel the same way.

Some time passed, and I used to be paranoid about getting another person’s DNA all over my face, and so it made kissing quite uncomfortable.

It felt a bit much, especially if I have not had enough time to know the person. While this is no longer a problem now, it was enough to make me not want to kiss.

It is absolutely normal if you or your partner is in a similar situation and should be respected.

2. You May Just Not Enjoy It

In some cases is just due to the fact that you do not enjoy it—no matter how much you love your partner.

This could be anything from the taste, texture, or feeling of someone else’s lips to theirs.

That is perfectly fine, and it doesn’t mean you’re weird, nor there’s anything negative about you or your relationship.

You can still be intimate with them in other ways, like cuddling, hand-holding, or simply talking and listening–while working through your feelings.

A great deal of encouragement, respect, and support is needed to build an intimate and healthy relationship, regardless of how much kissing is involved.

But the best you can do is to express how you feel to your partner and make the effort to understand where they are coming from.

That way, you can find a balance between what works for you.

3. Bad Experiences

Kissing could be triggering for some people who have experienced trauma in the past. It could also be due to a bad experience that you had with someone who made you uncomfortable.

In such cases, it is important to talk to your partner about why you don’t like kissing and work together to find ways of expressing love and affection without having any negative feelings.

While there’s nothing weird about not wanting to kiss, it is important to remember that communication and compromise are key in any relationship.

With positive baby steps, you can find ways of expressing love and affection that works for both of you.

4. Uncomfortable With Showing Affection In Public

If you dislike kissing only when you’re in public, it could be because you’re uncomfortable with showing physical affection in public.

While there are a lot of people who love public displays of affection, some people don’t really feel too comfortable with it, and that is perfectly okay.

So if you prefer to keep the PDA (Public Display of Affection) low-key, it doesn’t make you weird.

It just means that you prefer to express your affection in private, and that is perfectly normal too.

5. You Don’t Feel Ready For The Intimacy Involved In Kissing

For some people, it can be a huge leap from being friends to suddenly having their lips on someone else’s.

In such cases, it helps to take things slow and focus more on emotional intimacy before progressing to physical intimacy.

That way, you can build a stronger connection with your partner and feel more ready for the intimacy involved in kissing.

Again, it is also important to remember that there are many ways of expressing love and affection, even without kissing–and hopefully, your partner will be understanding enough to respect your wishes.

This, among many other things, is some of the reasons why some people don’t like kissing–and it’s pretty normal and not weird at all.

Does Not Liking Kissing Means You Don’t Love Your Partner?

While this can be possible for a lot of people, it is important to remember that love and affection can be expressed in many other ways.

Kissing is not the only way to show your love; many people don’t like kissing but still express their love towards their partners in other ways–and it’s perfectly okay.

So no matter how much you love your partner, it doesn’t make you weird not to like kissing. It just means that you have your own preferences, which is totally understandable.

Plus, it is important to remember that it’s not always about what you do but how you do it. That should be enough as long as your partner loves and understands where you’re coming from!

At the end of the day, as long as both parties are happy and understanding, there’s no need to worry if you don’t like kissing. It’s totally okay!

Can A Relationship Work Without Kissing?

As intimate as kissing is, it’s not the only way to show love and affection towards your partner, so relationships can work with or without kissing.

It all boils down to communication and compromising with your partner on certain ways that you can express love.

That way, you can find a balance between what works for both of you and keep your relationship strong and healthy. So don’t worry if you don’t like kissing–it doesn’t make you weird!

All it means is that you have your own preferences, and it’s important to talk about it with your partner in order to come up with a solution that works for both of you.

After all, studies show that couples kiss less and less as their relationship progresses. So take it from that–not liking to kiss is normal, and plenty of relationships out there can work without it!

How Do I Learn To Like Kissing?

As I mentioned earlier, it’s all about compromise, and if you’re willing to give it a chance, there are ways to learn to like kissing.

  • Build Emotional Intimacy

First and foremost, you should focus on building emotional intimacy with your partner and take it slow when it comes to physical intimacy.

Try going out of your comfort zone by making small gestures such as hugs or gentle touches and seeing how that makes you feel.

  • Start With Closed Mouth Kisses

Once you start to feel more comfortable, try starting with closed-mouth kisses, as they can be less overwhelming compared to open-mouthed kisses.

This can be a great way to get used to the feeling of having your lips on someone else’s and see if it’s something you would eventually like.

  • Explore Different Types Of Kisses

If your partner is willing, explore different types of kissing, such as French kisses and butterfly kisses. You can play games, have fun with them, and see if any of these types of kisses appeal to you.

The key is to keep an open mind and try to enjoy the experience as much as possible.

This can help you get used to the feeling of kissing and see if it’s something you would eventually like.

Take your time, and don’t pressure yourself into liking something that you may not be comfortable with.

  • Communicate

Above all, don’t forget to communicate with your partner about how you’re feeling.

It is important to be honest and open with each other so that both parties can feel comfortable and make sure that both of your needs are being met.

Final Words

At the end of the day, it’s okay to not like kissing as long as you and your partner are understanding and open with each other.

Take your time to explore different ways of showing love and affection and see if it’s something that you would eventually like. As always, communication is key.

Hope this helps! And remember, there’s no need to worry if you don’t like kissing – it doesn’t make you weird!

Everyone has their own preferences, and that’s totally okay. Have fun, and enjoy the process of exploring different ways to show your love!

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