Is It Weird to Make Someone A Playlist? 7 Things To Consider

In the world today, where there are several avenues to express your love for someone, making a playlist can be an incredibly meaningful and thoughtful gesture. A carefully crafted selection of songs has the potential to make someone feel special, understood, and loved.

That said, it’s absolutely not weird to make someone a playlist! After all, what is more personal and intimate than being able to share music that you love with another person?

In the rest of the article, I’m going to discuss the following;

What Does It Mean When You Make Someone A Playlist?

We live in an era where there is some much music available that it can be difficult to decide what songs you should include in a playlist.

When you make someone a playlist, it can be seen as an extension of who you are and how you feel toward someone.

It carries significant emotional weight and speaks volumes about how important they are to you. Generally, people make playlists based on the type of emotion they want to convey.

For instance, you may choose songs with upbeat beats and cheerful lyrics if you’re aiming to make someone feel happy or uplifted.

You could also pick slow-tempo ballads if you want to show your romantic or sentimental side.

In short, the kind of music you choose is reflective of how you feel and what message you want to convey. This can be a great way to let someone know that they are special to you.

Things To Consider When Making A Playlist For Someone

Whether it’s a crush or a friend, making them a playlist will be so much appreciated. However, it is important to consider a few things before you create one.

1. Do You Have Any Idea of The Songs They Like?

For starters, it is important to consider the kind of music that the person likes. This will make the playlist feel more personal and meaningful to them, as it would show that you put effort into understanding their musical tastes.

2. How Do You Want Them To Feel?

Before crafting the playlist, it is essential to think about what message or feeling you want to convey. Do you want to make them feel happy, romantic, relaxed, or loved?

Figuring out the way you want him or her to feel will go a long way in crafting a meaningful playlist.

3. What Is The Occasion?

It is also important to consider the occasion or context in which you are making the playlist for someone. This will help you narrow down your selection of songs, as different occasions require different kinds of music.

For instance, if it’s a celebration, then upbeat and cheerful songs will be great. On the other hand, if it’s a romantic occasion, then slow-tempo ballads would be more fitting.

4. How Long Should The Playlist Be?

In general, shorter playlists tend to be more meaningful and impactful. A few carefully chosen songs can have a greater impact than an overly long playlist that may overwhelm the receiver. A total of around 8–12 songs should be enough to convey the message you want to send.

5. How The Music Fit Together

It is also important to make sure that the songs fit together and don’t feel too disjointed. This will make for a smoother listening experience, which they will always appreciate. You don’t want to include songs that are too different in genre or style, as this can be jarring.

A good tip is to create a playlist with a specific theme in mind. This could be a certain genre of music, a particular artist, or songs with a similar message.

6. Make It Personal

Make sure to add a personal touch to the playlist. This could be in the form of a handwritten card or letter, telling them why you chose those particular songs.

Or, you can even include an audio message with your favorite song explaining why it’s special to you. Regardless of what you do, making it personal will help make it even more memorable for them.

7. Include A Variety

It’s always nice to include some variety in the playlist. As much as it’s important to choose songs that are meaningful to both of you, it’s also essential to mix them up and make sure that the playlist is interesting and enjoyable for them.

Including different genres, artists, and styles will keep things fresh and provide some pleasant surprises.

Benefits Of Making Someone A Playlist

Making someone a playlist is a great way to show your affection and appreciation for them. Here are some of the benefits of making someone a playlist:

1. It Saves Time

Creating a playlist takes less time than it would searching through individual songs or albums. This makes it easier and more efficient to create something special for someone quickly.

2. It’s Memorable

Making someone a playlist will help them remember you and your relationship with them. Not to mention, it can also be an ongoing reminder of your friendship or love for each other that they can enjoy whenever they like.

3. It’s Thoughtful

Making someone a playlist is a thoughtful act that shows them how much you care about them. It’s a personal and meaningful gesture that will be sure to make them smile.

4. It Is Cost-Effective

Creating playlists is also a great way to save money, as it does not require buying individual songs or albums. This makes it an economical option for showing someone that you care without breaking the bank.

5. It Can Help You Express Your Feelings

Sometimes it can be difficult to express your feelings in words. Making a playlist provides the perfect platform to do so. You can choose songs that convey exactly how you feel and help the other person understand your feelings.

Tips For Making An Amazing Playlist

Here are some helpful tips for making an amazing playlist:

1. Pick A Theme

The first step is to pick a theme for your playlist. This will help you focus your song choices and make the playlist more cohesive.

2. Include Meaningful Songs

It’s important to make sure that the songs have some sort of personal meaning for you and the person that you are making them for.

This could be a song from a special moment in your relationship or one that reminds them of you when they hear it.

3. Consider The Occasion

Think about the occasion you are making the playlist for. Is it a special event such as birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays? If so, make sure to include songs that are appropriate and set the right tone accordingly.

4. Make It Original

Try to avoid choosing too many overplayed songs, as this can make your playlist sound generic. Instead, focus on including more underground and lesser-known songs to make them unique.

5. Don’t Choose Multiple Songs From One Artist

One key secret to making your playlist stand out is to avoid having multiple songs from the same artist. This can make the playlist sound repetitive and boring.

6. Make It Personal

Adding a personal touch to your playlist can help make it even more memorable. This could be adding a dedication message to the playlist, a picture, or the person’s name. You can reserve these little personal touches at the end of the playlist as a special surprise.

7. Test It Out

Once you’ve created the playlist, listen to it all the way through a few times before giving it to them. This will help ensure that you like the overall flow and sound of the playlist.

Final Thoughts

Making someone a playlist is an incredibly thoughtful gesture that can show your appreciation for them.

It’s also a great way to express your feelings and create something special to share with each other. By following the tips above, you can create the perfect playlist for anyone in no time!

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